Only A Princess


History of The People


In the beginning we were The People.  We were all one people and we lived in many clans and had very few cities.  We followed our herds and had a few crops, but mostly we hunted and gathered.  We were without any central guidance or ruler and had no gods.  We worshiped the Mother Earth and celebrated with the seasons.  We were a simple people and we were content.

            Then the GODS came.

The GODS came to our world and looked upon it as fair.  They each chose and gathered to them a group of The People and made them theirs.  The divided The People and we became separate for the first time.

            The GODS numbered six.

Five of the GODS chose a people, but one remained aloof.  Pannis found The People uncouth and rowdy and chose to depart the world and her brother and sister GODS for other, more pleasing worlds.  The five remaining GODS took to them their people and moved them to separate parts of the world.

            The First GOD was Ianellu.

Ianellu was a wise and kindly GOD.  He took his people to the east and taught them to build and create SOCIETY.  He chose the eldest of the clan chiefs and made him KING.  His people built great cities and temples in his name.  His worship was simple and required little of his People.  They learned much and soon developed colleges for the study of the various parts of and occurrences in the world.  They went forth among the other Peoples and taught them as well and Ianellu was pleased.

            The Second GOD was Naveyan.

Naveyan was a truly beautiful goddess and she ruled her people through their women.  Naveyan chose from among the women a QUEEN and she ruled over all the people as a great mother.  They went forth and build small cities and formed their own SOCIETY.  The women cared for the children together and the men provided for them together.  There were great communal halls that housed many women and their children and the men lived mostly in tents and roved between the small cities of the women and children.  Their worship of their goddess was shown in their daily respect of their matriarchs.

            The Third GOD was Matreusca.

Matreusca gathered his people and went south to the warm humid beaches and jungle.  He chose from among them a HIGH PRIEST and HIGH PRIESTESS and they jointly ruled over their people.  Matreusca took great pleasure in his people and their sensuality.  He often coupled with his subjects of both sexes and his rites are sexual rites witnessed by all in the priesthood.  They became clannish and private and scorned contact with the other Peoples.  The towns exist to support the vast temples where all men and women of child-bearing age live (from 17 to 40) and enthusiastically worship their GOD.  The young people and older people hunt and farm, cook and clean for the priests and priestesses.

            The Fourth GOD was Xoanen.

Xoanen gathered his people and went north into the mountains and snow covered plains.  He chose from each clan a CLAN CHIEF to rule.  He delighted in the fighting of the people and he encouraged the clans to fight and conquer each other time ad again.  They frequently warred among themselves and occasionally raided the towns and villages of the other Peoples.  Xoanen was ever pleased by strife and blood and his worship included sacrifice of both male captives and animals from the hunt.

            The Fifth GOD was Jevo.

Jevo was a fun-loving GOD and he took his people to the west coast and went much among them.  He chose from among them a KING and then several UNDERKINGS and to each he gave a measure of his power, weakening himself, but much enriching his People.  They were able to raise whole towns in hours and soon built a great SOCIETY.  They participated in trade of goods they simply created and soon became quite a wealthy People.  They could even trade with the followers of Xoanen because they were nearly impossible to beat.  Jevo saw the use of the power he gave them as worship and he dwelt among them teaching them how to use the gift he gave them.

            Thus it was that The People became The Peoples and dwelt separately.